Gemeco iNstall ipad app, for do-it-yourselfers too

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

18 Responses

  1. Ken Jennings says:

    This looks like more good news. When will we see the Android version?

  2. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I asked Gemeco about Android, Ken, but am not too optimistic. It looks like they’ve already invested a lot into iNstall.
    Also wanted to note that I used that particular catalog page showing a CZone Signal Interface because one respondent to the reader survey complained that I’d gotten him excited about taking his existing tank senders to NMEA 2000 ( ) but he couldn’t find the parts. I don’t know who you are but if you’re reading this, call Gemeco. They seem to list every CZone module and accessory.

  3. I downloaded it when it first came out and I agree it’s outstanding… almost like having their catalog on your phone. Gemeco’s support is also extremely good – all the fellows there have been courteous and helpful.

  4. Capt John says:

    “The most recent data from IDC shows that for Q3 of 2013 Android made up 81 percent of devices shipped.” Looks like Gemeco is missing de boat. No, make that a lot of boats!

  5. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    I heard from Gemeco about an Android version of iNstall. They’d like to offer one but unfortunately Android apparently does not support the sensors used by some of the tools in a standard way, so porting iNstall to Android is quite complicated and expensive. It may not happen.
    I also suspect that global statistics about iOS versus Android market share are not very relevant to boaters or even electronics installers. There are many more marine apps for iPads and iPhones, and developers who offer free apps for both operating systems, like Raymarine, tell me that iOS downloads far outnumber Android downloads.

  6. Tom says:

    Is there or will there be a windows version of the InStall app?

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Note the PS added to this entry. Yesterday I learned that Gemeco will soon offer another free app called Boat Docs. The goal is to create a downloadable library of ALL available electronics manuals, brochures, etc., which sounds good to me.
    Peter Braffitt at Gemeco added that “since it does not use any hardware in the device, I am exploring the Android platform as an option. We may even be able to develop a Win8 app for ‘Boat Docs’.”

  8. Capt Bill says:

    I loaded this onto my iPod touch, hoping to use as a mobile tool. Unfortunately, some of the features need to have the built-in gyro and GPS from your i-Device. In otherwords, they will only work if you have an iphone or cellular version iPad.

  9. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Bill, all my testing was on a WiFi-only iPad mini. I don’t think any of the tools require a built-in GPS or cell connection. Please describe which tools don’t work on your iPod Touch.
    iNstall compatability is listed as: Requires iOS 6.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

  10. Capt. John says:

    “There are many more marine apps for iPads and iPhones” Besides this app and Garmin what other apps do you get on iDevices that are not on Android? Thanks!

  11. Patrick Harman says:

    Thank you Ben for sharing this app. Just the wire sizing is worth paying for. The future of this concept is mind boggling. Kudos to Gemeco for their efforts and wanting to further advance the availability of useful information. In the past I have struggled to find adapter cables to connect proprietary connectors. This app will make that task much easier.
    Patrick Harman

  12. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Gosh, Capt. John, I’m not sure you really want to know.
    How about iNavX, one of the most popular nav apps and the one that probably supports more ways to get NMEA 0183 or 2000 data from your boat to your iPad than any other?
    How about Nobeltec and MaxSea Time Zero, possibly the most noteworthy nav app that debuted in the last year?
    How about SeaNav, which just added Agumented Reality and Pebble support? I believe that developer would like to do an Android version but says the worked needed is staggering.
    Trust me, I am not an Apple fan boy. In fact, I think the company can be infuriating. But like the man used to say “the iPad is magic.”

  13. Capt. John says:

    Oh,ok Ben. I thought when you said “many more” you were using the word many like with beer when you have had “too many”. Where I come form three is not many. 🙂 And I do know you ain’t no Apple fan boy. I thought maybe there was something in the world of Apple Apps I had missed. The truth is if they were programming in the right languages than all of these apps should be fairly easy to port to other platforms. I mean Angry Birds can do it for Jimmny Sakes! And that brings up another thing. Could you tell me why I would want to view the contents of my $6000.00 MFD on a $400.00 device that I can’t read outdoors in th sun when I am boating? Naw, just kidding. Love this forum. Thanks for your great work!

  14. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    John, my three examples were just the most prominent of many. The difficulty that Gemeco has with porting iNstall to Android has to do with hardware sensors, so not sure it has anything to do with the development language. I can also give you lots of examples of how MFD WiFi remote viewing and control apps can be useful, but I’m not sure you actually care? But thanks for the complement.

  15. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Now, back to the idea of giving Gemeco ideas for new iNstall tools:
    1. Is there some way to codify recommended horizontal and vertical distances between different types of marine antennas? If so an applet might let us choose two different types and see the recommended distances.
    2. How about an antenna coax connector glossary with photos and general explanations of use? I found one once online but not sure it’s up-to-date and would love to have in an app toolkit:

  16. Capt Bill says:

    The tools I could not use on My iPod Touch are “magnetic field” and “tilt angle”, the two I would use most often as an installer.
    I get a message reading, “This device is unable to measure…”.
    I am running OS 6.1.5 on iPod touch Gen 3. These features work fine on my iPad and partner’s iPhone.

  17. Roi Frank says:

    Regardless of the Andriod requests, as a diagnostic tool if you need to have both OS, then thats what you do.
    Looking forward to doing a field test of this software

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