Splashtop Remote Desktop, full on charting software on your iPad

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

10 Responses

  1. Thanks Ben…I have been looking for a VNC product that had better refresh rates for a while now to make the ipad remote screen work better. Once correction btw, I am pretty sure ipad resolution is 1024×768 which is also a standard computer display state and very common for those older 15″ LCD’s that many boats still have.

  2. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Right you are, Gram, and I corrected the entry. Thanks! Please report what you think of Splashtop.

  3. NickF says:

    Hi Ben
    We have been using this with Maxsea TZ explorer connected to a NN3D with DRS radar for a while now, works great. Wireless control of your Radar from an ipad is simple, particularly with the new 12.6 version of Maxsea TZ. You can also bring in CCTV through an AXIS encoder additionally and also drive the boat with it if you are navigating a route on your autopilot!

  4. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Thanks, Nick; I figured Splashtop was fast enough.
    I’m just now trying their Remote Touchpad app for the iPhone — which is currently free — and it works very well. However, you can’t use it and the Remote Desktop app with the same computer at the same time. I’m not complaining, though; Splashtop seem like A1 developers.

  5. Kees says:

    I second Splashtop as well. Been using it since May or so and it is the first really usable remote desktop product for the iPad. Highly recommended.


  6. DaveD says:

    I set up an adhoc network on my laptop.Tried other remote control sortware,some expensive,but Splashtop beats them all.Keep closed laptop,running Seaclear with puck gps, in nav desk drawer.Use Ipad to view and control laptop anywhere on boat.Getting SEASUCKER to mount Ipad at helm.

  7. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Sorry to report that Splashtop XDisplay — a new app for extending your PC screen to an iPad, so you can use both at once — seems very much a work in progress. It was smart enough to see that my home Win 7 machine already has a second display and open a browser window on it with instructions about how to remove that.
    And it also hooked up easily to the Mac Mini on the boat, and showed a portion of its single display, but I couldn’t get any of its controls for a second screen to work, and also had to reboot everything a couple of times because I couldn’t get back to where I started. However, the price is right (free) and I’m sure Splashtop will get the wrinkles out.
    The iPhone trackpad app works fine with the MacMini/Win7 setup, though, and seems to have less latency than my cheapo HP wireless mouse and keyboard.

  8. Bremer Speck says:

    I got this app as soon as I was done reading about it here. Splashtop by far exceeds my expectations since I can easily control and use my office computer, as if I were sitting in front of it. Much better than Logmein, which is a PITA to use on an IPad. The only minor issue is that you have to have a Google account and be logged-in to it, to use the Internet discovery function of Splashtop. Not an issue for me because I use Gmail. What does not appear to work for me is the XDisplay app. I can connect to the PC but all I see is the PC background wallpaper. No icons or anything else. Cheers, Ronald

  9. Adam says:

    This would seem to make it possible to use my IPad to remotely view engine data running on a windows PC connected directly to the engine via USB to MEFI 3 connector running Rinda diagnostic/monitoring software. My merc gas EFI engine is pre smart craft and thus has no possibility of connection to a chart plotter or digital display. Anyone else try something similar?

  10. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    MaxSea is now officially recommending Splashtop as a good way to use TimeZero on an iPad, and they have instructions: http://goo.gl/gt59F
    They’ve also got an upgrade for the pro fishing versions of their software: http://goo.gl/cRxyZ

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