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McMurdo Navtex

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McMurdo in the UK have ceased factory support for the Nav4, Nav5, Nav6 and Nav7. This has occured due to a recent sale of the company.

As a result,my company was asked to provide the service and support for these products on an ongoing basis.

If you have a McMurdo Navtex then please feel free to contact us for support, spares and repairs

[email protected]

Sargent Marine Limited

1 Reply

  • ik wil mijn ics nav 6 graag doorverbinden naar de laptop.
    geeft de nav 6 alleen de printopdrachten (weer ed) door of ook de positie ed.?

    {Google says this is Dutch and means: "I want my nav 6 ics like connect the laptop.
    6 shows the only occasion the print job (again, etc.) or by the position etc.?"}