TBF: Simrad/B&G compact remotes, Ocean Signal AIS MOB alarm, Digital Yacht PC Radar PC & more

Ben Ellison

Ben Ellison

Panbo editor, publisher & chief bottlewasher from 4/2005 until 8/2018, and now pleased to have Ben Stein as a very able publisher, webmaster, and editing colleague. Please don't regard him as an "expert"; he's getting quite old and thinks that "fadiddling fumble-putz" is a more accurate description.

8 Responses

  1. Kees says:

    I say we add toilets to the offically approved list of subjects on Panbo!
    Did you see SeaSmart, a solution for smelly heads at METS?
    They use a small diameter hose that goes into your seawater inlet so that the entire hose is sanitized, not just the hose and tank downstream from the toilet.

  2. Hendrik says:

    Please test if OP50 works on GO7, maybe they don’t have it at Boot Dusseldorf when I go there at Jan 23th.

  3. Ben Ellison Ben Ellison says:

    Hendrick, the new B&G and Simrad keypads are suppossed to work with GO7 and Vulcan7 all touch displays, the new 5-inch ones too. But I do hope to see some of that in action in late January.
    Yikes, Kees, “Luxury Marine toilet Sanitisers”…what is the world coming to? But I am reminded of this must-read story about a Dutch neurosurgeon who got in trouble for using “common fecal bacterium” to treat inoperable brain tumors:

  4. Hendrik says:

    They have some strange people in Dutchland. They try everything

  5. Kees says:

    I was thinking more of stool transplants actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fecal_bacteriotherapy

  6. Itzmann says:

    We have the Simrad OP40 which can switch between up to 4 different displays; we use it to control a Zeus 12 and a Zeus2 7. This OP40 has two software errors:
    Error 1: Under night-mode illumination, the backlights on the OP40 switch to red depending on the mode set on each Zeus. However, after one sets both Zeus to night-mode, switching the OP40 between displays turns the backlight on the OP40 backlights back to day-mode (the Zeuses remain on night-mode; only the OP40 fails).
    Error 2: the Zeus 12 correctly shows the icon for a ZC1 when the OP40 is controlling the Zeus 12. However, the Zeus2 shows a “generic” white icon when the OP40 is controlling the Zeus2.
    Of course we would much rather have a ZC1 than an OP40 but it took B&G well over a year after we installed two Zeus MFDs for B&G to first issue the ZC1. Hence, we had no alternative and were forced to install the OP40.
    Anyone who buys a ZC1 or an OP50 and more than one display should test these things.

  7. Hendrik says:

    Works Ok on my NSO2’s, NSS7 and NSS7 Evo2.
    Do you run the latest OP40 software?

  8. Glad you got my email, Ben – right after I sent it, my faithful(?) Lenovo went TU, and getting another laptop (with a US keyboard) here in La Paz took a bit..:)
    I’m still interested in your observations re: Fox Rock (off Cape Blanco WA).
    Happy New Year!

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